Romania — EN

Sonodamp acoustic screen in a dairy factory

Different demands are made in the neighbourhood of foodstuffs than in normal industrial situations. ATIS has extensive experience in this regard, which meant that it knew what had to be taken into account, when a cheese factory reported an acoustic problem in production.

At the workplaces close to the pasteuriser, sound levels of more than 80 dB(A) were measured. 85 dB(A) was even exceeded in the immediate surroundings of the source.

By opting for an acoustic screen with stainless steel Sonodamp panels, the requirements in the area of sustainability and hygiene were fulfilled. Additionally, acoustic hygienic absorbers were installed at the side of the source.

Both at the source, and at the workplaces, the sound level has been reduced to < 80 dB(A), which makes it possible for the operators to work without hearing protection.